Episode 109: Additive-Free Lifestyle with Tracey Fry & Joanne Ling

podcast Feb 16, 2024
Two women chatting with microphones in front of them, representing the hosts of the Primal Alternative Podcast. A bowl of fresh fruits and vegetables sits nearby, symbolizing nutrition and wellness topics discussed on the podcast. The podcast logo is prominently displayed, featuring vibrant colors and a clean design

In this episode of the Primal Alternative Podcast, host H sits down with Tracey and Joanne from Additive-Free Lifestyle to delve into their inspiring journey and mission to promote additive-free living. Tracey and Joanne are passionate advocates for health and happiness, dedicated to educating others about the harmful effects of additives and preservatives in our food.

Key Highlights:
- Tracey and Joanne share their personal experiences that led them to embrace an additive-free lifestyle, highlighting the transformative impact it had on their health and well-being.
- They discuss the basics of additives in food and why it’s crucial to be aware of what we’re consuming.
- Practical tips are provided for those looking to embark on an additive-free journey, including reading labels and transitioning to whole, unprocessed foods.
- The conversation extends beyond food to encompass creating a low-tox home environment and the benefits of reducing exposure to harmful chemicals.
- Tracey and Joanne share insights into their thriving business, including their podcast with over 300,000 downloads, innovative app, and bestselling cookbooks.
- The importance of authenticity and integrity in their work is emphasized, as they only collaborate with brands that align with their values and principles.


Resources Mentioned:
- Additive-Free Lifestyle website: [https://additivefreelifestyle.com](https://additivefreelifestyle.com)
- Additive-Free Lifestyle Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/additivefreelifestyle/](https://www.instagram.com/additivefreelifestyle/)


Stay Connected:
- Follow Additive-Free Lifestyle on Instagram for daily inspiration, tips, and recipes.
- Visit their website to explore a wealth of resources, including cookbooks, podcasts, and articles on living additive-free.


Giveaway Alert:
Don’t miss out on our special giveaway in collaboration with Primal Alternative and Additive-Free Lifestyle! One lucky winner will receive a signed copy of the Additive-Free Lunchboxes Book and delicious Primal Alternative goodies. Head over to our Instagram pages for details on how to enter and kickstart your own additive-free journey.

Tune in to this enlightening conversation with Tracey and Joanne, and discover how you can embrace an additive-free lifestyle for a happier, healthier you.



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