An insight into my week

health coaching Aug 13, 2020

Time is a serious consideration when you are considering starting a new business.  Time is like money in that we always think there will be more of it in the future.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as nirvana time or nirvana money for that matter, there is only now.  What can you do with your time right now?

How will I fit a Primal Alternative business into my week, which may already be bulging at the seams, is a question I get asked often and is a key question during the interview.

I thought I would share with you how I structured my week as a Primalista, and now, to give you a little insight into how this could work for you.

I am big believer in priorities and a schedule.  If running a business or working is a priority for you, then you need to schedule it in your week to make sure it happens.  When you have a j o b and work for someone else, it automatically gets scheduled in, and often you don’t get much of a say when that is.

When you work for yourself, the boundaries can feel a bit blurred.  I find it helps to think about how your energy goes during the week and what you already have scheduled in as non-negotiables.

I work well with what I call on and off-stage days.  That means I have sociable/on days and reclusive/off days.  On Tuesdays and Fridays, I feel so sociable and ON!  Mondays and Thursday, I am super reclusive, and Wednesdays is a bit half half!

When I was a Primalista I used to bake on Mondays and Thursdays.  I’d hide in my kitchen, with the tunes on, or off, and bake.  Tuesdays I would deliver to my stockists and catch up with my bestie for coffee.  Fridays was market day after school, that was a massive social immersion that filled my cup in so many ways.  Then I would rest on the weekends.

Now that my role with Primal Alternative has evolved, my week still follows the same rhythm.  On Mondays and Thursday, I work on admin/projects or ‘take rest’ (my new fave way of recognising the power of recovery).  I interview and do other on-stage things like videos and podcasts on Tuesday and Fridays my ‘on stage’ days.

My non negotiables include Zumba on Monday and Wednesday night. Pilates on a Tuesday and Thursday morning.  Massages every one to two weeks, meditation most days which I do after lunch, and lie in the sun if possible.

I still have weekly coffees with the same bestie, on a Wednesday.  I schedule in time to potter around the house, tidy up, do the washing and prepare nourishing food.  I do love spending some time doing domestic jobs, but outsource the full weekly clean and some cooked meals.

I even schedule the day I take my daughter to school (Wednesday) and the nights I have a champers in the spa with my husband!  I used to laugh at my Mam for being so into routines – ‘where is the spontaneity mother?’ but the reality is that if you don’t fill your week with high priority items, your time will fill with low priority items.  You’ll feel unfulfilled, busy, overwhelmed and over it.  My week feels like a natural flow of rhythm, routine and ritual.  Each day offering what I want.  Some days are full and others are spacious.  I never feel busy anymore, I feel on purpose.

My priorities are family/home, vocation, physical health.  Each of my priorities in intrinsically linked to the other: I work from home, my work is in health, my own and my family’s health is a priority, my work helps others be with their family, work from home and be healthy.

Having your own business and working from home is a beautiful opportunity to map out your ideal life into a day by day schedule.  What can you do now to create the weekly schedule of your dreams?

In the interview with Potential Primalistas we look at how much time you want to spend in your business and how you want your week to look.  Being a Primalista allows you to align your vocation with your priorities.  Find out more about becoming a Primalista and book your interview here:

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