Visualising what you want

health coaching Aug 09, 2018

It is exactly 2 years ago to the actual day that I had a very profound and life changing session with this amazing woman Mitle Southey.  Prior to the session she gave me an annoying questionnaire asking all sort of annoying questions about silly things like what my values were, how did I want to spend my day feeling, what was my big dream, what strengthened me, what drained me.

Grr looking back it was such a struggle to answer those questions.  Who has got time to ponder those sorts of things when there are kids to feed, bills to pay and washing to be done? Anyway, I answered them and what happened after that was nothing short of magical.  2 days after completing the annoying questionnaire two ideas literally dropped into my head like fledgling birds: franchise your baking business and start group health coaching.

I was so shocked that I had had these ideas that I had to pluck up the courage to share them with anyone else. Luckily for me that day I as meeting 3 amazing women.  My bestie Rosie, this amazing mentor and business guru Mitle and my massage therapist Amy.

I was expecting all of them to spit their tea out and go “who the hell do you YOU think YOU are?”

I was expecting all of them to spit their tea out and go “who the hell do you YOU think YOU are?” or burst into fits of laughter and say, “YEAH RIGHT!”  But they didn’t. They told me my ideas were amazing and I should DO IT! Mitle went on to ask even more annoying questions which saw me go on to describe the empire I wanted to build, the way I wanted to reach and help others and how I wanted to create business opportunities for other women like me who longed to ditch the corporate world and work from home.  She also helped me identify a H U G E block to my success which was thinking that “rich people are wankers!”  How could I ever be successful?  If I was successful I would be rich and therefore a wanker too!!

Looking back this was such a powerful experience for me as it was the FIRST time I had ever visualised what I wanted.  The first time I realised I had the power to create my life instead of letting it happen to me.

Since that day 2 years ago I have gone on to Franchise my baking business selling my 56thFranchise this week.  I launched 2 online group Health Coaching Courses called SET FOR LIFE and Thrive – I am hosting a live round of Thrive starting Monday.

It sure as hell hasn’t been easy! It has been a massive roller coaster of facing all of my limiting self-beliefs and working through them week after week after week.  But it has all been so much easier with Mitle by side.  I was so pleased when last year she sacked me as a client and told me she wanted to hang out with a high vibing successful woman!  I looked around for one and then nearly burst with joy when I realised she meant me!  We are now business besties and spend most weekends having long discussions about our week and having a perpetual pot of tea on the go!

My life has transformed!  I feel like I am living on purpose.  I now use visualisation every day in my meditation and share some of the annoying questions did with Mitle with my Primalistas in Masterclasses so that they too can create the life that they want.

Mitle has grown and developed her business over the past two years and you should totally check her out on her amazing Facebook Page.

Do you spend time working out how you want your life to be?

Share your passion, help others and create a business on your terms with the Primalista Baking Franchise.

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